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About BPIF Labels

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The labels special interest group was established to work closely with UK label printers and Industry Suppliers to educate, inform and support the UK label industry. It also represents the interest of the sector to the UK Government and through its association membership of FINAT the wider European community.

BPIF Labels' objective is to provide a forum for companies in the label printing sector to access specialist advice on matters affecting the industry and influence the UK Government on legislation impacting on the sector. The member’s group strives to identify those areas where help, support, information, advice and training may not be available from other sources and provide solutions where they may not otherwise be available.

BPIF Members can join the labels, special interest group, for a very modest fee and access additional information, services and training events that relate more specifically to the very specialised label sector of print and packaging. The group also holds social networking events such as the Spring and Autumn golf days.

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Simon Mitchell
Simon Mitchell
General Manager

07720 407051
Lauren Faulkner
Lauren Faulkner
Account Executive

07889 569393
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Become a member today

We act as a hub to bring people together and widen networks, whether that's at our industry social events or at our sector-specific training and development workshops.